With the advancement of braces technology, many people believe that Invisalign is better than metal braces. Here are 7 reasons why.

Today, orthodontic treatment is more convenient than ever. With the advancement of braces technology, many people believe that Invisalign is better than metal braces. Here are 7 reasons why:

Invisalign is far less noticeable.

Invisalign aligners are clear and virtually invisible. In fact, one of the main reasons people choose Invisalign over metal braces is because they can wear their aligners without anyone noticing.

In addition, Invisalign is also more comfortable than traditional braces. Because there are no metal wires or brackets on your teeth, you don’t have to worry about having to take them out every night before bed or removing them for meals.

You can eat your favorite foods when wearing Invisalign aligners.

With Invisalign, you can eat whatever you want. No matter how much you love your favorite foods, metal braces can make it difficult to enjoy them. With Invisalign aligners, however, there’s no need for concern about whether or not that hot dog is going to end up stuck between your teeth!

In addition to being able to eat anything and everything in sight while wearing Invisalign aligners, we’ve also found that patients tend to have higher satisfaction rates after treatment due in part because they don’t feel like they’re missing out on life anymore.

Beautiful smiling young woman with Invisalign aligner.

Invisalign prevents bad breath due to food particles getting stuck in metal braces.

Invisalign prevents bad breath due to food particles getting stuck in metal braces.

It’s a common problem that many people have faced before, but you may not know what causes it. Food gets trapped between your teeth when you eat and can then rot there if left unchecked. This can lead to an unpleasant odor coming from your mouth every time you speak or breathe out of your nose, which is something that no one wants!

Luckily for us, Invisalign has figured out how we can avoid this problem altogether by making sure the food doesn’t stick to their plastic aligners in the first place. Since they’re made from plastic instead of metal like traditional braces are, it’s much harder for small particles such as crumbs and small pieces of lettuce (or whatever else) from getting caught up between them and turning into an odor-causing mess later on down the road!

Invisalign patients avoid the irritation of metal braces.

Invisalign patients avoid the irritation of metal braces. The aligners are made of a thermoplastic material, which is soft and comfortable to wear. There is no need for elastics or rubber bands. They can be removed when eating and drinking, so there’s no need to worry about food getting stuck in your mouth or teeth as you eat!

Additionally, unlike metal brackets, Invisalign aligners are less noticeable than traditional metal braces. This makes them ideal for teens who want their smiles to look natural while still improving their oral health and appearance at the same time!

There’s less maintenance with Invisalign.

With Invisalign, there are no adjustments or tightening needed. You wear the aligners according to your doctor’s instructions, and that’s it! Sure, you may have some soreness in the beginning as you get used to having things in your mouth again after a while without them—but once those initial steps are over with and everything starts feeling normal again, you’re good to go.

After a few weeks of using Invisalign aligners every day (you’ll be given at least two sets a month), an orthodontist will take new photos of your teeth using dental cameras. They’ll then use 3D imaging software to create a custom treatment plan based on how well they think it will work for you. Once they’ve finalized everything (and if it looks like there aren’t any major problems), this plan gets sent off for fabrication so that when your new set arrives at your house later on down the line, all you have left is simply putting them on every morning and night!

People love Invisalign because it is so easy to use and so comfortable

  • You love Invisalign because it is so easy to use. There is no need to take off your braces when you eat or clean your teeth; you can do all that while wearing the aligners.

  • You also love Invisalign because they are comfortable. They don’t feel bulky or heavy in your mouth, and they don’t rub against your gums or tongue as metal braces would (if worn over extended periods of time).

  • Invisalign also provides convenience for its users because there are no visits to an orthodontist every three weeks for adjustments; there is only a single appointment at the beginning of treatment, where aligners are prescribed using 3D imaging technology and then sent directly from the lab directly to their homes via mail delivery service (in some cases). Once prescribed by an orthodontist, they will be sent out within two business days.

They’re also affordable: The American Association of Orthodontists estimates that traditional metal brackets cost about $1,000 per year compared with just $300 per year with Invisalign treatment plans—which means paying less than half what you might expect! And lastly…

Invisalign is more comfortable than metal braces.

Invisalign is more comfortable than metal braces.

Invisalign aligners are made of a soft, smooth plastic that is more comfortable than metal braces. It is easy to clean and take care of your teeth when you have Invisalign aligners.

Moreover, it also allows you to eat whatever food you want during the treatment process because there are no wires or brackets attached to your teeth.

Invisalign is considered more visually attractive than traditional metal braces.

As you’ve probably noticed, Invisalign aligners are clear and made of a smooth plastic material. This makes them more aesthetically pleasing than metal braces. Compared to traditional metal braces, they’re also less noticeable because they sit behind your teeth.

The last thing you want is to feel self-conscious about the way your teeth look or feel when wearing them (especially during those first few weeks). That’s why it’s important to choose your orthodontic treatment based on what will work best for your lifestyle and personality—not just what looks good in pictures!

Invisalign allows you to see your future smile before treatment even begins.

With Invisalign, you can see the results of your treatment before it even begins. This is because Invisalign uses a series of aligners (like clear plastic retainers) that are custom made for your teeth. These aligners gently and gradually shift your teeth into their ideal positions. You can use these aligners to preview how your teeth will look after treatment and how they’ll look in the future when they are completely straightened out.

Another great thing about Invisalign is that it allows you to see how much progress has been made throughout the process of wearing aligners. By using an online tracking feature, you can easily keep track of where each individual tooth has progressed over time and monitor its overall movement towards its final position during treatment!

When all is said and done with this revolutionary process, there is no question about whether or not someone was able to get their perfect smile—because now everyone knows exactly what theirs will look like!

Invisalign aligners are a great option if you’re thinking about orthodontic treatment!

Invisalign aligners are a great option if you’re thinking about orthodontic treatment!

Invisalign is a great option if you want a straighter smile!

Invisalign is a great option if you want to avoid food getting stuck in metal braces!

Invisalign is a great option if you have metal allergies!

Invisalign is a great option if you want to avoid getting your gums cut by metal braces!


Invisalign is a great choice for anyone looking to improve their smile. It’s comfortable, it’s easy to use and it’s more attractive than traditional metal braces. If you’re ready to see the best version of yourself, contact us today!